The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Development Tools
Products for Microprocessor Development including:
PseudoSam Cross-assemblers
as low as $50.00
PseudoMax Cross-simulators
as low as $100.00
PseudoSid Cross-disassemblers
as low as $100.00
PseudoPack Developer's Package ($50.00 Savings)
all three for as low as $200.00
PseudoCorp has developed an extensive line of PC based professional cross-development tools. Tools
that speed development of microprocessor based products. Fast, sophisticated macro assemblers to
generate your program code. Versatile simulators that allow testing and debugging of the program
even before the hardware exists. Easy to use disassemblers to help you recover lost source programs.
Until now, powerful tools like these have been priced from 5 to 10 times PseudoCorp's price. Putting
these time saving tools out of reach of all but large corporate engineering departments.
PseudoSam Cross-assemblers Suggested list price starting at $50.00
See enclosed product data sheet for a description of these inexpensive yet fast and versatile
PseudoMax Cross-simulators Suggested list price starting at $100
See enclosed product data sheet for an example of our unique machine windows that let you
see the operation of the microprocessor at work.
PseudoSid Cross-disassemblers Suggested list price starting at $100
See enclosed product data sheet to see how our easy to use disassemblers let you create a
complete assembler source program from an object module (ROM), including comments!
Developer's Package Suggested List Price starting at $200
Save $50.00 off the regular separate price.
Each pack contains a PseudoSam assembler, a PseudoMax simulator, and a PseudoSid
disassembler for a specific processor. Requires 512k IBM mono, cga, ega, Hercules mono
display or compatible and MS-DOS 2.1 or greater.
Technical Support
We believe (we hear this from our customers also) that our products are easy to use, very powerful,
and efficient, making them a pleasure to use. Nevertheless, should you have any questions, problems,
or suggestions, give us a call. Our technical staff is available between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ET.
PseudoCorp currently has products for the following microprocessor families (with more in
Intel 8048 family
RCA 1802, and 1805 families
Intel, AMD, Signetics, Siemens... 8051 based microcontrollers
Intel 8096, 8098, and 80c196 families
Motorola 6800, 6802, and 6808 families
Motorola 6801, and 6803 families
Motorola 68hc11 family
Motorola 6805 family
Hitachi 6301, and 6303 families
Motorola 6809 family
MOS Technology 6502 family
WDC 65C02 family
Rockwell 65C02 family
Intel 8080, and 8085 families
Zilog Z80,and NSC 800 families
Hitachi and Zilog HD64180 family
Motorola 68000, 68008, 68010 families
Each processor family will generally contain several variations, all of which have common object
code. i.e. the Intel 8051 family consists of the 8051,52,53, the 8031, 8751, etc., all having the same
instruction set and thus being supported by the same PseudoCorp product.
Method of Shipment:
We ship UPS 2nd day air whenever possible within the United States. We ship air parcel post to
Canada and Overseas. Overnight shipping is available at an additional charge.
How To Order:
We accept VISA and MasterCard. You may also choose to pre-pay by using the order form enclosed
or have us ship your order COD. Purchase orders will be accepted from companies and educational
institutions only. Non-US orders must be either paid in US funds drawn on an US Bank, or credit
If you choose to purchase by PO, credit card or COD, call us or fax the completed (and signed) order
form before 2:00 p.m. and your order will be shipped the same day.
Professional Development Products Group
716 Thimble Shoals Blvd, Suite E
Newport News, VA 23606
Call (804) 873-1947 FAX Number : (804) 873-2154 PseudoSam Cross-Assemblers
Suggested list price as low as $50.00
PseudoCorp produces an extensive line of cross-assemblers. Fast, sophisticated macro assemblers to
translate your source program into machine code.
Extensive arithmetic and logical operations
Logical bitwise not
Logical bitwise or
Logical bitwise exclusive or
Logical bitwise and
Logical shift right
Logical shift left
Negation(2's complement)
Unlimited levels of parentheses
Plus very powerful Macro substitution capability including:
Unlimited nesting of macros
Unlimited nesting of conditionals
Unlimited levels of include files
Text string pattern matching
Substring manipulation
Commonality among all cross-assemblers
All PseudoSam(Pseudo brand Symbolic AsseMbler) cross-assemblers conform to a common syntax
based on the UNIX V assembler syntax. The opcode and addressing syntax is, however, compatible
with the processor manufacturer's. Label, assembler directive, and expression operator syntax may
differ. Commonality makes the transition to different processors easy and fast. The macro processor
is based on the Unix V M4 macro preprocessor. The result is a more flexible and powerful macro
processor than generally associated with assembly language.
Special features in addition to the regular UNIX syntax have been added to accomodate the more
popular manufacturer's syntax. For example, the use of the Intel and Motorola form of hexadecimal
specification (trailing h and leading $) are accepted. All Pseudo-ops names are redefinable, so you
can customize the assembler to the form you desire. We include a special Intel.asm file with the most
popular customizations already performed for you.
Example assembler output listing:
000001 0000 ;
000002 0000 ; Simulator Demonstration Program
000003 0000 ;
000004 0000 ; 8051 version.
000005 0000 ;
000006 0000 ; Copyright(c) 1990 PseudoCorp
000007 0000 ; All rights reserved!
000008 0000 ;
000009 0000 ;
000010 0000 ;
000011 0000
000012 0000 ;sfr usage definitions
000013 0000
000014 0000 .org 00h
000015 0000
000016 0000 portctl: .rs 1 ;port control flag(0=a,1=b)
000017 0001
000018 0001
000019 0001 ;I/O definitions
000020 0090 .equ porta,p1 ;input / output port a
000021 00A0 portb .cequ p2 ;input / output port b
000022 0001
000023 0001
000024 0001 ;Power on and Interrupts
000025 0001
000026 0000 .org 0000h
000027 0000
000028 0000 80FE sjmp poweroon ;go to power on routine
***** Warning ***** undefined symbol on second pass
Clear Error Messages--Where the Error was Discovered!
000029 0002
000030 0003 .org 0003h
000031 0003
000032 0003 B200 nmirqtst:cpl portctl ;toggle the port select bit
000033 0005 32 reti
000034 0006
000035 0006
000036 0006 ;Program Start
000037 0040 .org 0040h
000038 0040
000039 0040 7581FF poweron: mov sp,#0ffh ;top of hidden ram
000040 0043 8500B8 mov ip,0 ; all same priority
000041 0046 D2B2 setb int0 ;enable external interrupt in 0
000042 0048 D2A8 setb ie.0 ;enable external interrupt 0
000068 0069 22 ret
000069 006A
000070 006A 436F707972696768 copyrite:.db "Copyright (c) 1990\n"
0072 7420286329203139
007A 39300A
000071 007D 50736575646F436F .db "PseudoCorp\n"
0085 72700A
000072 0088 416C6C2072696768 .db "All rights reserved!\n"
0090 7473207265736572
000077 0100 .page
000078 0100
000079 0100 008040C020A060E0 rtable: .db 0x00,0x80,0x40,0xc0,0x20,0xa0,0x60,0xe0
000080 0108 109050D030B070F0 .db 0x10,0x90,0x50,0xd0,0x30,0xb0,0x70,0xf0
000110 01F8 1F9F5FDF3FBF7FFF .db 0x1f,0x9f,0x5f,0xdf,0x3f,0xbf,0x7f,0xff
000111 0200 .end
Create direct hex code (Intel or Motorola) for easy downloading. A special segmentation feature
performs automatic separation of object files by ROM.
Available for most processors, these assemblers provide the sophistication and performance expected
of a much higher priced package.
Professional Development Products Group
716 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite E
Newport News, VA 23606
Telephone: (804)873-1947
FAX: (804)873-2154
PseudoMax Cross-Simulators
Suggested List Price as low as $100
PseudoCorp is pleased to announce the release of an extensive line of cross-simulators. Simulators
that allow testing of the program even before the hardware exists. Check out the features:
-- 10 user defined screens to display machine windows when and where they are needed.
Change instantly from screen to screen ( <alt function key> ).
-- The 8051 simulator has 40 machine windows to display all aspects of the processor as the
program executes.
Screen: 1 Trace: ON Update SINGLE STEP
║Internal Ram Window 1 ║
║ ║
║Addr Value Addr Value ║
║R0 = 00 0008 = 00 ║
║R1 = 00 0009 = 00 ║╔════╗╔════╗╔════╗╔════╗╔════╗╔════╗╔══════════╗
║R2 = 00 000A = 00 ║║ P0 ║║ P1 ║║ P2 ║║ P3 ║║ IP ║║ IE ║║ SP Stack║
║R3 = 00 000B = 00 ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ 00 ║║ 01 ║║ 002D 00 ║
║R4 = 00 000C = 00 ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ 00 ║║ 81 ║║ 002E 00 ║
║R5 = 00 000D = 00 ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ 00 ║║ 81 ║║ 002F 00 ║
║R6 = 00 000E = 00 ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ 00 ║║ 81 ║║ 0030 00 ║
║R7 = 00 000F = 00 ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ FF ║║ 00 ║║ 81 ║║ 0031 00 ║
║ Loc Inst Addr ║║ A ║║CY AC F0 RS1 RS0 OV - P║║ DPTR ║║SCON║║TCON║
║0048 SETB EX0 ║║ 00 ║║ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1║║ 0000 ║║ 00 ║║ 00 ║
║004A SETB EA ║║ 00 ║║ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1║║ 0000 ║║ 00 ║║ 00 ║
║004C MOV R0,#00 ║║ 00 ║║ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1║║ 0000 ║║ 00 ║║ 00 ║
║004F JB 00,005A ║║ 00 ║║ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1║║ 0000 ║║ 00 ║║ 00 ║
║0052 MOV A,P0 ║║ 00 ║║ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1║║ 0000 ║║ 00 ║║ 00 ║
║Input: 0080=FF ║
Memory Attributes
-- Each memory byte has it's own attribute byte to control such functions as memory mapped
i/o, writeability, and breakpoints.
Screen: 1 Trace: ON Update SINGLE STEP
║Internal Ram Window 1 ║
║ ╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗
║Addr Value Addr║ Memory Attributes ║
║R0 = 00 0008║Start .. Stop Attributes ║
║R1 = 00 0009║ ║═══╗╔══════════╗
║R2 = 00 000A║ ║IE ║║ SP Stack║
║R3 = 00 000B║ ║01 ║║ 002D 00 ║
║R4 = 00 000C║ ║81 ║║ 002E 00 ║
║R5 = 00 000D║ ║81 ║║ 002F 00 ║
║R6 = 00 000E║ ║81 ║║ 0030 00 ║
║R7 = 00 000F║ ║81 ║║ 0031 00 ║
╚══════════════════║ 0000..0054 +r +e +w -io -b -n ║═══╝╚══════════╝
╔══════════════════║ 0055..0055 +r +e +w -io +b -n ║═╗╔════╗╔════╗
║ Loc Inst Addr ║ 0056..FFFF +r +e +w -io -b -n ║ ║║SCON║║TCON║
║0048 SETB EX0 ║ ║ ║║ 00 ║║ 00 ║
║004A SETB EA ║ ║ ║║ 00 ║║ 00 ║
Trace File
-- Sometimes an interactive simulation is not enough. The trace file allows recording all or
part of a simulation session. Save the session for futher analysis, documentation, or for
historical records.
Reset Processor
PC Inst Addr A CY AC F 1 0 O - P B DPTR SP R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
Execute Read Write
0000 SJMP 0040 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0000 80 3E ss
0040 MOV SP,#2F 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0000 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0040 75 81 2F I0081 2F ss
0043 MOV IP,#00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0000 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0043 75 B8 00 I00B8 00 ss
0046 SETB INT0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0000 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0046 D2 B2 I00B0 FF I00B0 FF ss
0048 SETB EX0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0000 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0048 D2 A8 I00A8 00 I00A8 01 ss
004A SETB EA 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0000 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
004A D2 AF I00A8 01 I00A8 81 ss
004C MOV R0,#00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0000 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
004C 75 00 00 I0000 00 ss
004F JB 00,005A 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0000 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
004F 20 00 08 I0020 00 ss
0052 MOV A,P0 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 00 0000 2F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0052 E5 80 I0080 55 ss
Speed up development projects. PseudoMax simulators allow you to test processor instruction
execution, interrupts, and input/output even before the hardware is built.
Ten user definable simulation screens each containing any of up to 40 specialized windows (each
processor has a different set of windows). Windows that let you see into the machine. At a glance see
what is happening in each register, the stack, i/o ports and blocks of memory. Unlimited breakpoints
and memory trapping. Map memory to enable or disable read, write, execute or input/output. Trace
file feature--selectively record your simulator session for later analysis or reference. You can stop
simulation at any time, save an image of the machine state, and restart the simulation at any future
time, just as if you had never left.
Requires 512k IBM mono, cga, ega, Hercules mono display or compatible and MS-DOS 2.1 or greater.
Professional Development Products
716 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite E
Newport News, VA 23606
Telephone: (804)873-1947
FAX: (804)873-2154
* Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
PseudoSid Cross-Disassemblers
Suggested List Price as low as $100
PseudoCorp is pleased to announce the release of an extensive line of cross-disassemblers. Easy to
use disassemblers to help you recover lost source programs.
Quick look feature
-- No need for definition file, PseudoSid defaults to code dis-assembly. Just give it an object
Total recreation of the source, using a definition file:
-- Automatic substitution of defined label names for all jumps or branches.
-- Automatic insertion of supplied comments in recreated source.
-- Automatic substitution of user supplied expressions for hex operands.
-- Multiple object or source files.
-- Automatic code, data, or ascii text generation according to defined memory map.
Example definition file:
.equ porta,h'90 ; i/o port a (p1)
.equ portb,h'a0 ; i/o port b (p2)
top: [h'0] ; jump to start of code
inthndl: [h'3] ; interrupt handler
start: [h'40] ; start of code
loop: [h'4f] ; top of code
polla: [h'52] ; poll port a
.expr "porta" [h'53]
.expr "portb" [h'57]
pollb: [h'5a] ; poll port b
.expr "portb" [h'5b]
.expr "porta" [h'57]
reverse: [h'62] ; bit reversal subroutine
.expr "bitable >> 8" [h'64]
.expr "bitable & h'ff" [h'67]
copyrite: .string [h'6a..h'7c] ; copyright message
company: .string [h'7d..h'87] ; company name
rights: .string [h'88..h'9c] ; rights statement
bitable: .db [h'100..h'1ff] ; lookup table
Resultant source after re-assembly
000001 0090 .EQU PORTA,h'0090 ; i/o port a (p1)
000002 00A0 .EQU PORTB,h'00A0 ; i/o port b (p2)
000003 0000
000004 0000
000005 0000 .ORG h'0000
000006 0000
000007 0000 803E TOP: SJMP START ; jump to start of code
000008 0002
000009 0003 .ORG h'0003
000010 0003
000011 0003 B200 INTHNDL: CPL h'00 ; interrupt handler
000012 0005 32 RETI
000013 0006
000014 0040 .ORG h'0040
000015 0040
000016 0040 75812F START: MOV SP,#h'2F ; start of code
000017 0043 75B800 MOV IP,#h'00
000018 0046 D2B2 SETB INT0
000019 0048 D2A8 SETB IE.0
000020 004A D2AF SETB EA
000021 004C 750000 MOV h'00,#h'00
000022 004F 200000 LOOP: JB h'00,POLLA ; top of code
000023 0052 E590 POLLA: MOV A,porta ; poll port a
000024 0054 1162 ACALL REVERSE
000025 0056 F5A0 MOV portb,A
000026 0058 80F5 SJMP LOOP
000027 005A E5A0 POLLB: MOV A,portb ; poll port b
000028 005C 1162 ACALL REVERSE
000029 005E F580 MOV P0,A
000030 0060 80ED SJMP LOOP
000031 0062 758301 REVERSE: MOV DPH,#bitable >> 8 ; bit reversal subroutine
000032 0065 758200 MOV DPL,#bitable & h'ff
000033 0068 93 MOVC A,@A + DPTR
000034 0069 22 RET
000035 006A COPYRITE:
000036 006A 436F707972696768 .DB "Copyright (c) 1988\n" ; copyright message
0072 7420286329203139
007A 38380A
000037 007D 50736575646F436F COMPANY: .DB "Pseudo Corp\n" ; company name
0085 64650A
000038 0088 416C6C2072696768 RIGHTS: .DB "All rights reserved!\n" ; rights statement
0090 7473207265736572
0098 766564210A
000039 009D
000040 0100 .ORG h'0100
000041 0100
000042 0100 008040C020A060E0 BITABLE: .DB h'00,h'80,h'40,h'C0,h'20,h'A0,h'60,h'E0 ; lookup table
000073 01F8 1F9F5FDF3FBF7FFF .DB h'1F,h'9F,h'5F,h'DF,h'3F,h'BF,h'7F,h'FF
000074 0200 00 .DB
000075 0201 00 NOP
000076 0202
000077 0202 .END
Use PseudoSid "the un-assembler" to recreate lost or un-copyrighted source code from an object file.
Automatically substitutes defined labels for all jump targets. Definition file allows user to associate
labels, constant data, memory locations(variables), and comment text with specific object code.
Define the memory(object code) map as code, data, or text. Unlimited number of object and
definition files.
Requires 256k and MS-DOS 2.1 or greater and we suggest the appropriate PseudoSam
Professional Development Products
716 Thimble Shoals Blvd., Suite E
Newport News, VA 23606
Telephone: (804)873-1947
FAX: (804)873-2154
* Prices and availability subject to change without notice.
Professional Series:
Assemblers Simulators Disassemblers Developer Packs Target Processors
PseudoSam 48 PseudoMax 48 PseudoSid 48 PseudoPack 48 Intel 8048 family
PseudoSam 18 PseudoMax 18 PseudoSid 18 PseudoPack 18 RCA 1802, and 05 families
PseudoSam 51 PseudoMax 51 PseudoSid 51 PseudoPack 51 Intel 8051 family
PseudoSam 96 PseudoMax 96 PseudoSid 96 PseudoPack 96 Intel 8096, 98, and 196 families
PseudoSam 68 PseudoMax 68 PseudoSid 68 PseudoPack 68 Motorola 6800, 02, and 08 families
PseudoSam 681 PseudoMax 681 PseudoSid 681 PseudoPack 681 Motorola 6801, and 03 families
PseudoSam 6811 PseudoMax 6811 PseudoSid 6811 PseudoPack 6811 Motorola 6811 family
PseudoSam 685 PseudoMax 685 PseudoSid 685 PseudoPack 685 Motorola 6805 family
PseudoSam 631 PseudoMax 631 PseudoSid 631 PseudoPack 631 Hitachi 6301, and 03 families
PseudoSam 689 PseudoMax 689 PseudoSid 689 PseudoPack 689 Motorola 6809 family
PseudoSam 65 PseudoMax 65 PseudoSid 65 PseudoPack 65 MOS Technology 6502 family
PseudoSam 65c PseudoMax 65c PseudoSid 65c PseudoPack 65c WDC 65C02 family
PseudoSam 65rc PseudoMax 65rc PseudoSid 65rc PseudoPack 65rc Rockwell 65C02 family
PseudoSam 85 PseudoMax 85 PseudoSid 85 PseudoPack 85 Intel 8080, and 85 families
PseudoSam 80z PseudoMax 80z PseudoSid 80z PseudoPack 80z Zilog Z80, NSC 800 families
PseudoSam 180z PseudoMax 180z PseudoSid 180z PseudoPack 180z Hitachi HD64180 family
PseudoSam 68k PseudoMax 68k PseudoSid 68k PseudoPack 68k Motorola 68000, 8, and 10 families
($50.00) ($100.00) (100.00) ($200.00) All listed above
* Price and availability subject to change without notice.
PseudoCorp Direct Order Form
Ship to: _______________________________ Billing: _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
For credit card orders:
Name, as shown on card:____________________________________________________
Please indicate: Visa____ MasterCard____
Number:_________________________________________ Expiration Date:_______________________
Phone Number:_____________________ Signature:____________________________________________
│Product Name (including target processor) │Qty│ Price ea.║ Total │
│ │ │ ║ │
│ │ │ ║ │
│ │ │ ║ │
│ │ │ ║ │
│ │ │ ║ │
│ │ │ ║ │
│ │ │ ║ │
│Virginia residents add 4.5% sales tax (or tax # ).║ │
│Shipping and handling $5.00 USA, $10.00 Canada, $20.00 ║ │
│elsewhere. ║ │
│ ║ │
│ TOTAL ║ │
Enclose your check, or money order payable to PseudoCorp, drawn in US funds, on a US Bank.
Send form to:
Professional Development Products Group
716 Thimble Shoals Blvd, Suite E
Newport News, VA 23606
or phone: (804) 873-1947 8:00am to 5:00pm ET Monday thru Friday.
FAX: (804) 873-2154
P.S. All credit card orders must be signed!